Whistler’s Peak 2 Peak with Kids
I thank Debbie of DeliciousBaby for hosting Photo Friday this week — and every week. Visit her site to check out fantastic travel memories, tips and photos! MORE —- To ride the Peak 2 Peak, I paid for the “sightseeing day pass” for myself and my family. Washington State and Canadian residents can benefit from the EDGE card.
The Best Kids’ Bookstores in Cascadia
Cascadia is one of the most-literate regions in North America. Don’t just take my word for it – check out where Seattle and Portland rank on “America’s Most Literate Cities†— number one and number six, respectively. Arts groups in Vancouver are working on getting the city designated as one of UNESCO’s “Cities of Literature.†Readers tend to raise kids who love to read. We also support our independent children’s bookstores, which offer a great combination of wise advice and the best of kids’ books. Kids bookstores sell unique souvenirs; you won’t find these region-specific titles at home. Better than just another t-shirt! Here’s the list of my favorite children’s…